the singularity of being and nothingness
Posts tagged Routing

Ext JS 5: Routing Part II
Aug 23rd
In my last post, we explored the new routing functionality that has been incorporated in Ext JS 5. I had a lot of great feedback and discussions come from that (thanks!), so I thought I’d add a few more notes about some of the routing functionality that I didn’t discuss in the last post. So without further jabbering, let’s dive in.
Route ConditionsOne nice feature of routing in Ext JS 5 is that not only can you add a before handler to the route execution, but you can also filter routes which will be matched based on a regex string.
For example, let’s consider our users/:id route from the last post:
routes: { ... 'users/:id': { action: 'onUserDetail', before: 'onBeforeUserDetail' } }
As written, this route will match any hash in this form, regardless of what actual value is passed for our “id” placeholder. What this means is that if someone gets clever and starts to try to manually hack our hash with some value other than what comes naturally from our application, our before handler is still going to fire on the hacked value, and whatever code is in that handler will execute.
Obviously, we could put some error/hack handling in our before handler, but More >

Ext JS 5: Routing
Aug 10th
In the last post, we walked through the steps to get our new Ext JS 5 application setup and running. Now we can start laying the foundation for other areas of the new version that we’d like to explore.
Part of this foundation will be to implement the new routing functionality that has been included with Ext JS 5. If you’ve used Sencha Touch before, this will be very familiar to you. If you’ve never seen it, I think you’ll find it pretty simple to pick up.
We need to get routing setup, however, because we’ll use it throughout the other examples that we’ll explore in future installments. The routing will simply make this process easier…so let’s get started!
Source and Demo- Source files can be found/forked here:
- Simple demo can be found here:
So what is routing? In the simplest sense, it’s a way for you to leverage the browser’s normal history stack to maintain application state within an Ext JS application. Since your application is, by default, only one page, the browser’s back and forward buttons don’t do much good out of the box. With routing, however, you can wire particular states of your application to the browser’s history stack, allowing More >