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Posts tagged ExtJS
ExtJS Quickie: Custom Event Domain
May 25th
With ExtJS 4.2 came the awesome concept of Event Domains. Basically, these allow you to let your Controllers know about ALOT more events within your applications. For example, in 4.1, you could use the control() method within your controller to listen to component-level events. However, with Event Domains, you can now listen to events in the following domains: Global, Controller, Component, Store.
This is awesome, but there are other domains that you might want to tap. No fear, the Event Domain is easily extensible to include others!
A Proxy DomainIn my applications, I generally have a single proxy that handles all my stores’ AJAX traffic. A common event listener for the proxy is the exception event, which fires in the case of a server error response. In the past, I’ve generally just added this to the listener config of the proxy itself, and went about my business.
The problem, of course, is that you generally want to DO something when an exception occurs, such as displaying an error message, resetting the state of a store, etc. The problem with defining the listener directly on the proxy is that you have to intrude your application upon the proxy to communicate the exception beyond the proxy.
But with a custom Event More >
Documenting ExtJS/Sencha Touch Code with JSDuck
Jan 28th
This will be a short post, I promise 🙂
Recently, I posted my version of a time picker in Sencha Touch 2. As part of this, I wanted to *really* document the component. I decided to leverage JSDuck, the tool which is currently used by Sencha to provide API documentation for…well…everything that they do.
Beyond looking pretty flipping sweet, the awesome part about JSDuck documentation is that it’s in the vein of “self-documenting” code. That is, beyond a few configuration comments you might make here or there, nearly everything that JSDuck spits out in terms of documentation (or is that duck-umentation…ugh) comes directly from the code you write anyway. Pretty nifty.
Anyway, if you’re interested, check out the documentation for JSDuck, and enjoy the screenshots of my documented component below.
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ExtJS 4: Custom Editor for Property Grid
Dec 30th
Yesterday, I was helping someone figure out how to add a custom, complex editor for use in a ExtJS Property Grid.
The Anatomy of a Property GridFor some context, a Property Grid is like an editable grid, but instead of editing rows of data, you use a grid like interface to edit the properties of a single object. Think of it like the interface you’d use when defining database properties in SSMS…
By default, the Property Grid has several editors for simple types like strings, dates, booleans and numbers. Better yet, ExtJS will automatically try to detect the correct type, and specify the appropriate editor for you.
Out of the Box is Never EnoughBut of course, out of the box never gets you 100% of the way. Imagine that we have a cluster of properties, one property of which is a complex data type. Consider this example:
source: { name: "My Object", created: Ext.Date.parse('10/15/2006', 'm/d/Y'), timeofday: "12:00 PM", available: false, version: 0.01, description: Ext.encode({ product: 'Clorox', tagline: 'The Shinyest White!' }) }
As you can see, most of the properties are very simple. However, the last one (description) is complex: in this example, it’s a serialized object. If we More >
Virtual Directory-Driven ExtJS 4 Development – Part Second
Nov 21st
In my last post, I outlined a method that can be used to develop compilable-ExtJS 4 applications, with minimal configuration, that leverage a common, global location for shared assets and libraries. This approach works fine if you are merely “compiling” the application (e.g., only the JS part). However, if you do the full “build” you’ll quickly run into a number of issues.
The most significant of the issues is that the full build process will attempt to compile the theme for your app via the compass compile command. Since our approach decouples the app from the library, AND because we didn’t exactly deal with the SASS/theme bits whatsoever, the errors just roll and roll when building the app.
Fortunately, the fix is pretty easy. In the following, I’ll outline some necessary pre-requisites you’ll need to get setup before building, and then I’ll suggest a few options for how to do this.
Another Virtual DirectorySince we’re primarily interested in styles–particularly images–we need another virtual directory that will point to the images for our theme.
In httpd.conf, I’ve added the following:
Alias /sencha/testapp/resources/images "/Users/{username}/sencha/extjs/resources/themes/images"
NOTE: If you are developing your own custom theme that will be app-specific, you can skip this step and just put the theme images in More >
ExtJS 4: Applying Model Validations to Forms
Apr 23rd
One of my absolute favorite things about ExtJS’ data model is how simple it is to apply a Model instance to a form. If you’ve never done this before, consider the following data model:
Ext.define('Validations.model.Person', { extend: '', fields: [ {name:"name", type:'string'}, {name:"age", type:"int"}, {name:"hobby", type:"string"} ] })
Also, assume we have a form defined like so:
Ext.define('Validations.view.people.Form', { extend: 'Ext.form.Panel', alias: 'widget.peopleform', bodyPadding: 10, border: false, initComponent: function() { var me = this; Ext.applyIf(me, { defaults: { width: 250, labelWidth: 70 }, items: [ { xtype: 'textfield', name: 'name', fieldLabel: 'Name' }, { xtype: 'numberfield', name: 'age', fieldLabel: 'Age', value: 20 }, { xtype: 'textfield', name: 'hobby', fieldLabel: 'Hobby' } ] }); me.callParent(arguments); } })
NOTE: Notice that the “name” properties of each form field maps 1:1 with the “name” properties in my Model.
Now, let’s say that we want to edit a Model instance. We could, of course, manually set the value of each form field to that of the corresponding field in the Model. However, this is clunky and unnecessary, given that the form itself has a method for doing this automatically. Consider the following:
// get More >
ExtJS 4: Querying Records in a Data Store
Feb 19th
As you come to use data stores regularly within ExtJS applications, you’ll quickly come to realize just how powerful they are. With very little code, you can create robust data repositories that can not only store complex data, but can (perhaps more importantly) drive components within your applications.
At some point, however, you’ll need to retrieve data from your Store in a query-like manner. That is, instead of looking up a record by a known ID or position within the store, you may need to find one or more records based on a search term, a category, or whatever else is required by your app.
Of course, as with everything else, ExtJS makes this pretty simple. Let’s suppose that we have the following Model:
Ext.define("MyApp.model.Bookmark", { extend: "", idProperty: "id", fields: [ {name: "id", type: "int"}, {name: "target", type: "string"}, {name: "title", type: "string"}, {name: "category", type: "string"}, {name: "created", type: "date"} ] });
Nothing to crazy here. Just a simple model with some standard kinds of fields for storing data, in this case, “bookmarks.” Now, let’s More >
ColdFusion Queries to ExtJS Data Models
Jan 8th
I love data Models in ExtJS. They are extremely simple to use, but are amazingly powerful for driving robust JavaScript applications. In fact, I’ve gotten to the point where I use them in just about everything I do, and they are fast becoming an indispensible part of my JavaScript development approach.
A big part of the appeal of ExtJS data Models is their flexibility. While some data “plugins” in other JS frameworks certainly allow you mimic some of the behaviors of a data model, ExtJS’ data Model wins hands down because of its extreme flexibility. With a ExtJS Model, you can quickly and easily create powerful definitions of data objects (fields, data types, associations, validations, etc.) in your application. These models can then in turn be used to craft a data Store, which can themselves be plugged into many of ExtJS’ data components (DataView, Grid, Chart). What you end up with is a super-powerful, deeply-data-driven application in a ridiculously small number of lines of code.
Of course, the perfect complement to the simplicity and grace of ExtJS’s data Model is to “feed” it using ColdFusion. Below, I’ll outline how to retrieve data from CF, as well an extremely easy way (there are More >
Hello 2003, Let’s Build a Stylesheet Switcher!
Aug 27th
Back in the day, stylesheet-switchers were super-cool. I can clearly remember the thrill of creating several “themes” for a website, hooking them up to a cookie, and letting the awesome-ness roll. And in a way, they were pretty cool. After all, having the ability to switch the theme of a website did give *some* customizability to your website, even if the rest of the website was horrifically static!
But the big problem with switching stylesheets in the old days was the incredible headache of trying to maintain X-number of iterations of stylesheets. Need to switch the hue of the link colors? Bust out the find and replace, and be sure you don’t miss any! Want to add a bit of padding to your navigation? Rinse, repeat, and puke. It was burdensome, and prone to many mistakes. I can remember advocating STRONGLY on many occasions to just “live with” the current styles, rather than facing down the daunting task of modifying 8 different stylesheets which may or may not have had any comments/guidance/formatting to them (ok, some of that’s my bad I’m sure…).
So because of these frustrations, stylesheet-switching fell out of favor…at least with me. Too much work for not enough payoff. But those days More >
ExtJS 4: My First Build
Aug 25th
One of the really great aspects of ExtJS 4 is the ability to configure how dependencies in your application are loaded, using asynchronous loading, synchronous loading, or a combination of both. This flexibility lets you really dig into detail when debugging, and you are able to file-by-file see where errors are occurring, where processes can be improved, etc. But even more, you can specify very granularly which files you want–and need–while excluding those you don’t.
Of course, all of this is really meant for your development environment. While it’s fine to load 70+ individual JavaScript files while working out your app’s functionality, you *definitely* do not want to impose such a monstrous load on your site’s actual visitors. This, after all, is why everyone uses ext-all.js. It’s the whole framework, smashed down into a single, minified file. But the problem is that it’s still the *whole* thing. There are probably a bunch of bits of ExtJS that you don’t need. This is where the Sencha SDK tool’ can help create a custom build that includes everything you need for your application to run, without the overhead of all the stuff you don’t.
In what follows, I’m going to outline my first ExtJS 4 build using the SDK More >
ExtJS 4: Adding an App-wide Keystroke Mapping
Aug 16th
In a previous post, I showed how it’s pretty simply to catch keystrokes in your controller, and then do cool stuff in your app. But what if you want to add an app-wide keystroke mapping? For example, consider you’re create something like Sencha’s desktop demo. Within such an interface, it might be nice to map keystrokes to functionality within your app (like initiating a search, closing a window, etc.).
So here’s an easy way to do that.
In this example, I’m creating an app-wide keystroke mapping for search functionality. When a user enters the keystroke of the letter “S” and the Ctrl key, I want to give focus to a search box that exists within the app.
First of all, here’s the app.js for my application:
Ext.application({ name: "MyApp", appFolder: "app", autoCreateViewport:true, controllers: ["Search"....], launch: function() { var map = new Ext.util.KeyMap(Ext.getBody(), { key: 83, ctrl: true, handler: function() { this.getController("Search").activatesearch(); }, More >