
I’m a professional web designer and developer who just so happens to have a Master’s degree in theological studies. So in between my stints as code monkey, I enjoy reading (and discussing) all things theological and philosophical. In significant periods of down time, I can also be easily persuaded to bust out my acoustic and write a song or two.

I am available for speaking engagements by request.

That’s me. I hope you enjoy.

  • #1 written by DSSK
    about 13 years ago

    How do I get in touch with you by email. I had a question about sencha development. Thanks

  • #3 written by Dan
    about 11 years ago

    Exist may dissolve but trueexistencedoesntexist(just my old domain name). Talking about life and existence can be fun and mind numbing at the same time with a little mix of insanity, haha.

    Any way nice work on ExtJs articles.

  • #4 written by EGC
    about 7 years ago


    I am a Lotus Domino developer, some time ago I read your example of CarTracker and I am interested in the ExtJS 4.5 framework, previously I had implemented some components of Extjs 3.xx in my Lotus development, I currently have WAMP installed and I try to make a small system with version 4.5.2. I see that the framework already goes in version 6.2 and that you already speak in this site of version 5.2.

    what do you recommend ? Follow development in version 4.5 or migrate to version 6.2

    Thanks .