the singularity of being and nothingness
Archive for July, 2009
Jul 21st
The other day, I downloaded the beta for ColdFusion 9. While waiting for the download, I was looking through some of the marketing copy that Adobe had on their site about the new features for this release. I about fell off my chair when I saw that not only has ColdFusion 9 increased connectivity to Microsoft’s SharePoint, but they have even built a tag to wrap up the functionality into one nice little package: <cfsharepoint />.
This one little tag is incredibly powerful. It knocks out all of the painful and cumbersome web services wrappings required to deal with SharePoint’s WSDLs. Besides having over 50 built-in functions to deal with lists, document libraries, and the like, you can optionally point to other (or custom) WSDLs to access whatever <cfsharepoint> can’t get at by default.
So after reading about this, I just HAD to try it out. Not surprisingly, ColdFusion makes a routine task like retrieving a list extremely simple. Here’s my test:
<cfset viewFields = xmlParse(" <ViewFields> <FieldRef Name='Title'/> <FieldRef Name='ID'/></ViewFields> ")> <cfset query = xmlParse(" <Query> <OrderBy> <FieldRef Name='ID'/> </OrderBy> </Query> ")> <cfset queryOptions = xmlParse("<QueryOptions></QueryOptions>")> <cfsharepoint action="getlistitems" domain="" name="spVar" userName="myusername" password="mypassword" params="#{listName="546585D2-7AC4-493F-8DC5-F089B9EEB0AD", viewName="A8720E14-A847-4255-8527-055D2DD97868", query="#query#", rowLimit="20", viewFields="#viewFields#", queryOptions="#queryOptions#", webID="" }#" /> <cfset More >