the singularity of being and nothingness
Archive for January, 2011

Quick Update to Gloss
Jan 27th
Based on feedback from several users (thanks to Charlie and Tyler!), I’ve updated the search interface to Gloss a bit. It’s still a work in progress, but this newest fix has resolved the issue of lack of keyboard navigation to search results from the search field. Here’s what has changed:
- You can now tab out of the search field to the first search result, and then tab to subsequent search results.
- You can strike Enter or Spacebar on a highlighted search result to load its respective page
I do have a question for users regarding the “post-load” behavior. Currently, if you select a search result to load a page, focus is taken away from the search result and given to the item in the navigation tree that correlates to the search result. Is this desirable behavior, or would you rather have focus be retained on the search result?
Perhaps I’ll install a new configuration option to give the choice…:)
Thanks to everyone who uses the tool, and please feel free to let me know of any ideas/improvements/bugs/whatever.
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Replacing HTML Anchor Jumps with ExtJS
Jan 22nd
In an app I’m currently working on, I make pretty heavy use of HTML anchors to not only move to target content on the page, but also to load content via AJAX. With normal HTML anchors, clicking on a “source” anchor (e.g., <a href=”#top”>) will jump to the destination anchor (< a name=”top”>). While this is definitely beneficial, the one downside is that this action additionally adds the anchor (“#top”) to the url string (plus, the “jump” in kind of harsh–not very sexy at all).
Since my app is completely AJAX-ified (meaning that there is no navigation between “pages”), I wanted to find a way to preserve the “jumping” behavior of anchors, but not have my url cluttered with anchors.
Turns out that with ExtJS, this is pretty darn easy.
Getting the AnchorsNow of course, you could always modify all of the anchor links in your files to replace all the “href=#…” with onclick JavaScript events. However, what if you have existing anchors that you don’t want to change? With ExtJS, you can easily find all of them and override the default behavior. In my app, all of my anchors have the following form:
<a href="#WSXXXXXXXXXXXX">...<a>
Since I know that they all begin with More >

New HTML5 Logo
Jan 19th
If you didn’t see, W3C unveiled a shiny (new) logo to represent the far off dream of HTML5. Check it out –
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