the singularity of being and nothingness
the singularity of being and nothingness
Jul 9th
Continuing on from my last post regarding new client-side storage options, I decided to keep the trend of HTML5-related posts coming 🙂
So unless you haven’t visited the web in the last 3 years, you know that location-based services are super-hot right now. If social networking was the final result of Web 2.0, wiring-in people’s browsers (both position-locked and mobile) to geolocation is easily Web 3.0 and beyond. For example, with few exceptions, the vast majority of my iPhone apps have some geo-location component. Whether it’s my RedBox app finding me the closest kiosk, or FourSquare letting me “check in” to new (and not so new) locations, nearly everything I do on the web is able to be tagged with a location. Every tweet, every Facebook wall post, heck, even this blog post have geolocation data attached to them. In every possible way, the web is no longer just about “what” you are doing–it’s where you’re doing it as well.
To help make this more of an integrated reality, HTML5 will come fully-loaded with baked-in geolocation support. As with client-side storage, dealing with the geolocation options is quite easy.
Let’s take a look at a simple example. In what follows, I simply want to More >
Jul 8th
If you’ve done any web development, at all, ever, you’ve undoubtedly used–and cursed–the clunky cookie.
In all fairness, cookies are nice for what they are. You can store basic information about users and their behaviors on the user’s machine for use on your site, and they are fairly reliable. The problem with them, though, is that they are clunky. Clunky to set, clunky to expire, and quite limited in terms of storage capability–4000-some characters…lame.
Fortunately, in HTML5, we have a much better option for light-weight client-side storage (like cookies) without the clunky-ness, retarded size limits, and potential “leak” issues. Actually, we have two 🙂
First, let’s talk about the Storage object to which the two options belong. According to the proposed spec, the Storage object provides access to set, read, and remove “items” which are basically the key/value pairs that everyone is familiar with. Unlike cookies, however, the key/value pairs do not have an expiration date associated with them, and are removed either by user action or by the cessation of a session.
Enough talk. Let’s look at the options.
sessionStoragesessionStorage is an attribute of the Storage object which represents a storage area for each “origin” [read domain]. In other words, sessionStorage is a place you More >
Jul 7th
Final Fantasy XIII was one of my most anticipated games in a long time. Heck, I more or less bought an Xbox 360 so I could play it (well, and Left 4 Dead 2, of course!).
For those who know me, it is well understood that I am a big fan of the Final Fantasy franchise. With the exception of a few spin-offs for the various hand-held devices (and XI, which doesn’t count), I’ve played every Final Fantasy to date. I’ve reveled in the unparalleled awesomeness of VII and VIII, vigorously defended IX as a GOOD game, and even suffered through others like X-2 (remember that one?). I’ve watched both movies, and have trudged through spin-offs of the franchise like Dirge of Cerberus. My love of Final Fantasy, of course, guided me infallibly to Kingdom Hearts which, although probably consistently better than FF games, rings in at a close second.
Given my history, then, I feel I am an adequate judge of the games. So without further introduction, here’s my breakdown of Final Fantasy XIII.
StoryFFXIII is the story of six otherwise unlikely comrades bound together by a common curse which has transformed them into L’cie, the hated and feared subordinates of the Fal’cie More >
Jul 2nd
Jul 1st
I’ve had iOS4 upgrade on my iPhone 3GS for about 2 weeks now, and since I’m not unfortunate enough to have procured an iPhone 4, I thought I’d share a few reflections about my experiences.
First, the BadThe biggest downside of the upgrade is that the new OS puts a severe beat down on the battery life. Before the upgrade, I used to be able to listen to Pandora all day at work, make a few calls, and surf around on my phone while watching TV…on one battery charge. Now, however, my battery life is at least halved, if not more. If I start Pandora first thing at work, I’ll be getting down into the 30% range by late afternoon, necessitating an early evening charge. *Sigh*
A few other disappointments:
While these are fairly serious issues, there are some definitely cool More >
Jul 1st
Jun 29th
From The Epistles of Ignatius, Epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter XIX:
“Now the virginity of Mary was hidden from the prince of this world, as was also her offspring, and the death of the Lord; three mysteries of renown, which were wrought in silence by God. How, then, was He manifested to the world? A star shone forth in heaven above all the other stars, the light of which was inexpressible, while its novelty struck men with astonishment. And all the rest of the stars, with the sun and moon, formed a chorus to this star, and its light was exceedingly great above them all. And there was agitation felt as to whence this new spectacle came, so unlike to everything else [in the heavens]. Hence every kind of magic was destroyed, and every bond of wickedness disappeared; ignorance was removed, and the old kingdom abolished, God Himself being manifested in human form for the renewal of eternal life. And now that took a beginning which had been prepared by God. Henceforth all things were in a state of tumult, because He meditated the abolition of death.“
Share this:Jun 29th
This is nothing new or shocking, but I thought I’d post it anyway. When you’re dealing with ColdFusion content, you have available a number of exposed Java string methods that can be used in addition to the functions that CF provides. You don’t have to invoke any Java objects or nonsense like that–simply call the method and see what happens.
Of course, many from the full list of Java string methods are either already familiar via CF functions or can be replicated quite easily by CF-only functions. Nonetheless, I thought I’d share a quick roundup of what I think are some of the more interesting, along with simple examples of how to use them. I hope you enjoy this Bleach-inspired sampling 🙂
Method Code Result charatvalue = 'Bleach is awesome'; value.charat(3);3 concat
value = 'Bleach is awesome'; addtl = ' because of the epic battle sequences'; value.concat(addtl)Bleach is awesome because of the epic battle sequences contains
value = 'Ichigo Kurosaki'; value.contains('saki');Yes endswith (case sensitive)
value = 'Zanpakutou'; value.endswith('tou');Yes lastindexof
value = 'You can catch new episodes of Bleach on crunchyroll.com, but only if you have a membership for which you pay each month'; value.lastindexof('you');101 split
value = 'Shinigami|Bount|Hollow'; value.split('|');[Shinigami,Bount,Hollow] startswith (case sensitive) More >
Jun 24th
“…why should not the creature love his Creator, who gave him the power to love? Why should he not love Him with all his being, since it is by His gift alone that he can do anything that is good? It was God’s creative grace that out of nothingness raised us to the dignity of manhood; and from this appears our duty to love Him, and the justice of His claim to that love. But how infinitely is the benefit increased when we bethink ourselves of His fulfillment of the promise, ‘thou, Lord, shalt save both man and beast: how excellent is Thy mercy, O Lord! ‘. For we, who ‘turned our glory into the similitude of a calf that eateth hay’, by our evil deeds debased ourselves so that we might be compared unto the beasts that perish. I owe all that I am to Him who made me: but how can I pay my debt to Him who redeemed me, and in such wondrous wise? Creation was not so vast a work as redemption; for it is written of man and of all things that were made, ‘He spake the word, and they were made’. But to redeem More >
Jun 23rd
Just a quickie 🙂
I learned about ternary operators in JavaScript probably about 6 months ago, and absolutely fell in love with it. After all, who doesn’t love to convert something bulky to something clean and able to fit on one line?
var myidea = ''; if(thething=='yes) { Â Â Â Â myidea = 'great'; } else { Â Â Â myidea = 'lame'; }
var myidea = thething=='yes' ? 'great' : 'lame';
The other day, I was busting out some <cfscript>, and came across a bit of evaluation where a ternary operator would be PERFECT. Having no idea whether or not it would work, I gave it a shot and voila!, it’s magic!
<cfscript> Â Â Â Â myidea = thething=='yes' ? 'great' : 'lame'; </cfscript>
Now after a bit more investigating, turns out this is in the “only works for CF9” domain. Nonetheless, pretty nice–I love saving keystrokes!
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