the singularity of being and nothingness
Archive for May, 2011
Some Thoughts on ExtJS 4
May 26th
Very recently, Sencha released the newest version of ExtJS–4.0. This release was significant, in addition to other important changes, because ExtJS 4 signals a real shift in how Sencha is pushing developers to use ExtJS. Before, you could really kind of hack together ExtJS apps, regardless of how well your efforts aligned with “best practices.” The same is still true, I suppose, but ExtJS 4 is now all about MVC…and they are quite vocal about it.
By this, I mean that this rework of the framework has been explicitly designed, optimized and advertised to be used in a very particular MVC-ish way. There are even some fairly involved (but still inadequate, IMO) tutorials that describe the “preferred” way for designing a full-on MVC ExtJS 4 app, and the SDK comes with some tools baked in that will even build out the “preferred” structure for you.
So it just so happened that mere weeks after the release, I had the opportunity to develop a new app, and I decided to take the dive into ExtJS 4. Here are my thoughts on the experience, in no particular order.
Learning…and LearningFirst, the learning curve–for me at least–was initially pretty steep. It wasn’t so much the MVC aspect More >
Renaming Files in CFScript
May 13th
I’ve recently taken to writing all of my components in pure cfscript. To me, they look cleaner and are easier to navigate. Plus, I just really like cfscript 🙂
One of the challenges, of course, is that after using tags for so long, it can be sometimes challenging to find equivalent functionality in cfscript. Some tags expose functionality that may not be readily apparent in cfscript functions provided.
Take cffile’s “rename” action. If you look through the list of “FileXXXX()” methods, you’ll see a lot that correspond 1-to-1 with the tag actions. However, interestingly enough, there’s no FileRename() function.
Now you might think that this means that files can’t be renamed with using cffile. Wrong! You can simply use FileMove() to accomplish the rename. And actually, if you think about it, this makes sense. After all, when you move a file, you literally move it–so if the file is moved to a different or same location with a new file name, that’s the file that’s getting moved…no copy to worry about cleaning up after the face.
Ok, enough of that. So here’s a pretty ordinary file rename with cffile:
<cffile action=”rename” source=”c:\files\memo\readonlymemo.doc” destination=”c:\files\memo\normalmemo.doc”>
But we can accomplish precisely the same thing with FileMove():
filemove(c:\files\memo\readonlymemo.doc, c:\files\memo\normalmemo.doc);
Pretty nice!
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ColdFusion Wrapper for Aviary Effects API
May 11th
Sometime last week, Aviary (the super-sweet collection of online image editing tools) launched their new developer site, along with a new Effects API. When I see “API,” I think “ColdFusion wrapper,” so that’s exactly what I did 🙂
Share this:A Broken Ethic of Love
May 3rd
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; but rejoice when they get a bullet to the head — Jesus, Matthew 5:44
I’m late to the party. Bin Laden is dead, and everyone and their mother has blogged their brains out about it. Alas, it cannot be helped…
I’m at a loss for words because I’m genuinely filled with sadness about this day. I’m saddened because I’ve seen Christians–many of them unwittingly–rejoice and exult in the death of Bin Laden. I sincerely don’t mean this in a judgmental way–I have enough flaws of my own to not waste my hypocritical breath on others. But I’m saddened because my tongue-in-cheek revision of Jesus’ directive to love seems to have actualized itself in far too many ways.
I’m saddened because barely one week after Easter, we’ve forgotten the profundity of forgiveness and the depths of divine love (did we realize it to begin with?) that was displayed unconditionally to an infinitely twisted, broken, hostile, rebellious, and murderous race.
I’m saddened because on Divine Mercy Sunday, where all are invited partake of the Eucharist and find salvation, hearts are yet closed and actually rejoice in the destruction and presumed damnation of a human person…even if he was an More >