the singularity of being and nothingness
Archive for March, 2010

Update Miscellany
Mar 29th
Wow, it's been far too long since I've posted. I've been quite busy as of late, and have been putting the finishing touches on a couple of pretty decent sized projects.
But perhaps most interesting to followers of this site is the fact that I'll be working with a friend of mine over the next couple of months to completely revamp a site that we think will be pretty sweet in a couple of months. But the coolest part is that we're going to be creating this site–as much as possible–using exclusively ColdFusion ORM. As we make progress, I'm going to do my best to regularly blog about our experiences as we tap into this extremely cool technology that is available in CF9.
So anyway, stay tuned…I hope to have some killer posts up very soon 🙂
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The Emergence of Divine Knowledge
Mar 15th
Throughout the history of Christian theological thought, a key tenet of orthodox belief has been that of divine omniscience–that God knows (infinitely) all that can be known. Notwithstanding the various caveats that need to be assigned in order to properly qualify such a statement, there are several logical and theological challenges that must be balanced in order to properly maintain not only the internal coherence of such a assertion, but also the meaningfulness of it to theological belief.
One of the challenges is related to the necessary distinction that must be maintained between the eternal nature and being of God and the ontology of that which God has created. After all, if a “strong” theory of omniscience is established that concomitantly breaks down this necessary distinction, the preservation of the doctrine of omniscience leads to, IMO, a much worse end than would otherwise be had.
So let’s start with an apparently simple statement:
“God knows that X will happen in the future.”
From a “strong” doctrine of omniscience, the answer to such a statement is an easy yes. After all, since the future is assumed to be “something” that can be known (especially in re: prophecy, et al), God must “know” the future in More >

Ext JS Screenshot Fun
Mar 2nd
Quick (ok, not really) video about some screenshot croppin' goodness with Ext.
Check it out, and become my Facebook friend while you're at it!
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ColdFusion and ORM…Yummy!
Mar 2nd
The other day, I was flipping through the ColdFusion docs (yeah, super exciting!) and came across the section about ColdFusion's support of ORM. If you're not familiar with it (I wasn't really until a few days ago), ORM stands for "object-relational mapping." While it sounds a bit overly technical, ORM is basically a way to interface objects in code to relational databases that levels the playing field, allowing your code to be more or less agnostic about what kind (or kinds) of databases that it's connecting to.
At first, I was unimpressed, but then I took a few moments to think about it. How often have I had to switch between database systems? Plenty. And how fun was it to have to go back and rework my code to account for the differences in typing and syntax? It wasn't. With ORM, however, alot of these headaches are removed because you can create an abstraction layer in your application using ORM to not really have to worry about what datasource you might be connecting to.
Now obviously, the subject of ORM is much more complex than my admittedly weak description. However, after a lot of reading I feel like I have a decent More >